Problem-Based Learning wasdeveloped in medical school in Ontario Canada in the 1960s (Barrows, 1996).this strategy was developed in response to the fact that the young doctor whohad just graduated from medical school that has a very rich knowledge, but lackthe adequate skills to utilize this knowledge in daily practice. Subsequentdevelopments, Problem-Based Learning more widely applied in various subjects inschools and colleges. 1. Definition ofProblem-Based Learning PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING islearning that uses real dilema (authentic) unstructured (ill-structured) andis open as a context for students to develop dilema-solving skills andcritical thinking as well as well as build new knowledge. Unlike theconventional learning that makes a real persoalan as the application of concepts,Problem-Based Learning as a trigger to make real problems for the learners'learning process before they know the formal concept. Learners criticallyidentify relevant information and strategies as well as...