The Other Way to See Borobudur Temple From Far is From Chicken Church

TheOther Way to See Borobudur Temple From Far is From Chicken Church or It Isknown as " Gereja Ayam" Ifyou are a traveller you should go to Borobudur Temple. Borobudur temple is abuddha statue which was built in 9th century and it is located in Magelang,Central Java, Indonesia. However many people know that this place is in Jogja,but actually that is wrong although it is near to Jogja but the location is inMagelang, Centra Java which is in different province. Borobudurtemple is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world and it has 2,672 reliefpanels and 504 Buddha statues. The site is in the list of UNESCO World HeritageSite since 1991. The design of the temple is Javanese Buddhist architecture andalso it is blended with India’s architecture. Youcan see the temple from close way and even you can up to the top of the temple.but this time I want to show you how to see the beauty of the temple from farcause as you know the ticket for entering the Borobudur temple compounds isreal...