Penggunaan Either dan Neither Dalam Percakapan Inggris

Kata "either" dan "neither" dalam penggunaannya seringkali membingungkan baik itu native speaker juga non native speaker. Kata "either" dan "neither" pada prinsipnya dipakai untuk menentukan sebuah pilihan diantara dua hal. Kalau diartikan rumit, coba lihat aja langsung misalnya kemudian praktekkan:
Either...or digunakan buat memilih pilihan diantara dua kemungkinan.
- Either Guzman or Cathy will be there
- Either you live me alone or I will call the lawyer
- We should be bring either coffe or milk
- You can either help us or go to your home

Etiher dapat diikuti sang (one) of +keduanya
- Either of you should know
- Either one of you should know
- Either of us could do it
- Either one of us could do it

Not...either...or menyangkal kemungkinan keduanya
- I don't think either John or Nina will be there
- He's doesn't speaks either English or Indonesia

Not...either biasa digunakan setelah pernyataan negatif
- I don't speak Java
- You don't either

- He's not ready to go
- We aren't either

Neither...nor sama menggunakan  not....either....or
- Neither John nor Alisa will be there
- He speaks neither Java nor Sunda
- We brought neither coffe nor milk
- I will neither help you  nor go to my home

Neither dapat diikuti oleh (one) of +keduanya
- Neither of them is ready
- Neither one of them is ready

- Neither of us has any money
- Neither one of us has any money

Neither biasa pakai misalnya either....or
- I don't speak English
Neither do I
- informal = me, neither

- He's not ready to go
- Neither are we

Catatan mini : Either ialah satu, neither ialah nir satupun serta neither sama dengan not either. Either berpasangan menggunakan or sedangkan neither berpasangan dengan nor. Selamat mencoba.

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