Penggunaan Indefinite Pronouns

Baiklah dalam kesempatan kali ini ayo kita belajar mengenai indefinite pronouns. Indefinite pronouns adalah kata ganti buat orang, benda atau hal umum yang tidak khusus.
Lalu ada berapa macam indefinite pronouns dalam bahasa inggris, berikut penjelasnnya.
1. One/ones
Kata ganti benda ones/ones digunakan buat menghindari pengulangan istilah benda yang sama, contohnya
  • Which do you like, the red shirt or the black shirt? Sebagai, Which do you like, the red shirt or the black one?
  • which do you like, local stamps or international stamps? Menjadi, Which do you like, local stamps or international ones?
Kata ganti benda one/ones dipakai ketika ada asa membandingkan atau menentukan sesuatu.
  • One : bisa langsung dipakai setelah istilah the, this, that atau didahului adjektiva.
  • Ones : nir bisa langsung dipakai setelah istilah these serta those, tetapi wajib didahului sang satu kata sifat.
  1. This pen is miner. That one is yours.
  2. This chair is too low. I'll sit that one.
  3. Which do you like? I like this one best.
  4. Look at these books, Which ones are yours?These red ones are.
  5. I like this blue one.
  6. I like these blue ones.
  7. Which ones are yours? These brown ones are.
2. Everybody, Everything, Nobody, Nothing
a). Everybody berarti all people (buat orang), Everything berarti all things (buat benda).
Everybody memiliki pengertian yang sama seperti everyone.
  • Everybody is ready atau Everyone is ready.
  • Everything is all right.
  • Everybody enjoyed the Football match.
  • Everybody can do that
  • I have prepared everything for the trip.
b).Nobody atau no one berarti no people (orang), nothing berati no things (benda). Nobody memiliki pengertian yang sama dengan no one. Contoh:
  • Where is Budi? Nobody knows where he is. No one knows where he is.
  • There was no body at the classroom.
  • What do you buy in the market?I buy nothing.
  • I have nothing to eat.
3. Somebody, Something, Anybody, Anything
a). Some digunakan pada suatu kalimat pernyataan yang positif, misalnya:
  • I took some photos.
  • There is some rice ini the bag.
  • I have some one.
some juga digunakan dalam kalimat tanya yang mengharapkan jawaban "yes". Contohnya:
  • Would you like some chocolate?
  • Can/Have some coffee?
  • Would you like some wine?
b). Any dipakai pada suatu kalimat pernyataan yg negatif. Contohnya:
  • I didn't take any photos.
  • There isn't any butter loafed.
  • I haven't any matches.
  • i'm not going to buy any car.
any juga digunakan pada kalimat tanya. Contohnya:
  • Have you any money?
  • Did you see any snakes?
  • Is there any sugar on the table?
c). Somebody dan something  digunakan dalam kalimat pernyataan positif. Contohnya:
  • Somebody told you're been to America.
  • I have got something to tell you.
  • Somebody wants to speak to you on the phone.
  • I want to buy something in this shop.
Somebody mempunyai pengertian yg sama menggunakan some one serta dipakai buat orang sedangkan something dipakai buat benda.
d). Anybody serta anything digunakan dalam kalimat negatif serta kalimat tanya, contohnya:
  • Has anybody got anything to say?
  • Ask anybody where the house is.
  • Anybody will tell you where the house is.
  • I didn't see anything there.
  • Do you have anything to eat?
4. All, some, any, none, half
  • All od the room was cleaned yesterday.
  • Some of the pens are yours.
  • Any od the book is blue.
  • None of the buses were cleaned las week.

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